Get Access Token in Facebook API

Posted By: Matpal - March 11, 2011
Getting an access token in Facebook is very simple now. You need to do the following simple steps-

Step 1: Go to and create an App.

Step 2: Create a file connect.php


 $app_id = "<your app id>";
 $app_secret = "<your app secret>";
 $my_url = "<callback url>"; //For example http://localhost/myFbApp/callback.php

  $dialog_url = "".$app_id . "&redirect_uri=".urlencode($my_url)."&scope=email,read_stream,publish_stream";
echo '<a href="'.$dialog_url.'">Connect To Facebook</a>';


Step 3: Create a file callback.php where you'll get the access token. Using that access token you can access the services of Facebook Garph API. Here is the code of callback.php


$app_id = "<your app id>";

$app_secret = "<your app secret>";

$my_url = "<callback url>"; //For example http://localhost/myFbApp/callback.php

//You will get this from connect.php as a query parameter

$code = $_REQUEST["code"];

$token_url = "". $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) . "&client_secret=". $app_secret . "&code=" . $code."&scope=email,read_stream,publish_stream";

//Access Token is here
$access_token = @file_get_contents($token_url);

$graph_url = "" . $access_token;

//Access token can give you the details of current user  

$user = @json_decode(file_get_contents($graph_url));




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